Tag: Lodge

Degree Work – Saturday, 26 March 2022

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Urs Beckmann, is pleased to Summon all Master Masons of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Master Mason Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Degree Work on the Fellow Craft Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 26 March 2022, at 14:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To take the Proficiency of Worthy Candidates in the Entered Apprentice Degree
  • To Raise Worthy Candidates into the Degree of Fellow Craft, subject to Proficiency
  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Stated Communication – Saturday, 5 March 2022

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Urs Beckmann, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Stated Communication on the Entered Apprentice Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 5 March 2022, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To receive the Grand Master of the American Canadian Grand Lodge
  • To conduct presentations
  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Stated Communication is planned, for which prior registration is requested from visiting brethren, family members and candidates either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Stated Communication – Saturday, 5 February 2022

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Urs Beckmann, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Stated Communication on the Entered Apprentice Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 5 February 2022, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Stated Communication is planned, for which prior registration is requested from visiting brethren, family members and candidates either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Degree Work – Saturday, 8 January 2022

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Urs Beckmann, is pleased to Summon all Master Masons of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Master Mason Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Degree Work on the Master Mason Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 8 January 2022, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To take the Proficiency of a Worthy Candidate in the Fellow Craft Degree
  • To Raise a Worthy Candidate into the sublime Degree of Master Mason, subject to Proficiency
  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Stated Communication – Saturday, 4 December 2021

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Urs Beckmann, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Stated Communication on the Entered Apprentice Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 4 December 2021, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To receive the District Deputy Grand Master
  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Stated Communication is planned, for which prior registration is required either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Annual Communication 2021

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Christoph Seidl, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 to attend the Annual Communication, with installation of Officers, scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 4 September 2021, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To Obligate and Install the new Master and Officers of the Lodge
  • To conduct all business in accordance with the published Agenda.

An evening meal after the Communication is planned. Members not wishing to attend should inform the Bro. Secretary in good time.

It is regretted that, due to the present and ongoing pandemic, and under regulations issued by the American Canadian Grand Lodge, non-members of this Lodge and guests cannot be admitted to this Communication

The Dark Period

Every year Lodges in Germany, and often elsewhere around the world, close down for two months – usually July and August – for a brief Dark Period, when they do not meet officially or work together. These are our two holiday months, when brethren rest, learn, and recuperate after a full Masonic year of work. In the present climate, where health and safety concerns are uppermost in our thoughts, that Dark Period is much longer. We do, however, continue with our Masonic work privately, prepare for the new Masonic year as best we can, and keep an eye open for both new Candidates, and for good causes which deserve our attention, through charity work.

For this Lodge, the new Masonic year begins with a special celebration, where the new Master of the Lodge and his Officials are installed into their various Stations and Positions, in September. The year ends and begins, though, with a remembrance of the founding of the first Grand Lodge in London, where several English Lodges came together to form what we now consider to be the most modern era of Freemasonry, where a new order came into the movement, and it began to spread across the world, seeking like-minded men, and women. This date, 24 June, is both the official date of the founding of that first Grand Lodge, and the celebratory day of St. John the Baptist, one of the holy Saints of Freemasonry.

Despite this Dark Period, Lodges work on the advancement of the Masonic Ideals, and seek those who have an interest in joining and advancing both themselves, and Freemasonry itself. Whereby, no one goes out and accosts interesting potential members on the street, or door-to.do, but watch and assess their suitability as upstanding men of good standing. Those who appear to be of suitable character are invited to join us, and to learn more about Freemasonry through person contact and an open exchange of information, opinions, and experience.

Likewise, those who feel a pull towards the Masonic ideals are welcomed in their inquiries into Freemasonry. Should the ideals of Freemasonry, the close friendships which it brings, and the good work which springs from this close and careful work, appeal to you, then feel free to ask, without any sense of obligation to join, for more information.

Cancellation of Works

By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the American Canadian Grand Lodge and in light of the continuing health and safety regulations issued by the German government, all Meetings of this Lodge are cancelled until 31 August 2021. A further assessment of the situation will be made in mid-August 2021 and information passed to members in good time.

Cancellation – Degree Work

It is with regret that the Degree Work planned for Saturday, 3 April 2021, due to the present pandemic conditions, has also been cancelled. A new Summons for May will be issued in good time.

Cancellation – Degree Work

In accordance with the extended and the newly issued regulations on meetings, and in order to continue combating the effects of the Pandemic, the Degree Work planned for Saturday, 6 February 2021, has been cancelled. A new date and Summons will be published in good time.