The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Christoph Seidl, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 to attend the Annual Communication, with installation of Officers, scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 4 September 2021, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To Obligate and Install the new Master and Officers of the Lodge
  • To conduct all business in accordance with the published Agenda.

An evening meal after the Communication is planned. Members not wishing to attend should inform the Bro. Secretary in good time.

It is regretted that, due to the present and ongoing pandemic, and under regulations issued by the American Canadian Grand Lodge, non-members of this Lodge and guests cannot be admitted to this Communication