Tag: Events

Third Monday Guest Evening – February 2025

Members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge are pleased to invite guests, those interested in Freemasonry in general and this Lodge in  particular, to join them at the traditional Third Monday Guest Evening, to be held on Monday, 17 February 2025 in the Havanna Lounge, Bremen.

Further information may be obtained directly through the Secretary, or by using the contact form on this site.

Open Invitation – Fourth Friday in April

Each month members of the Lodge meet informally in Bremen for conversation and a meal, and to meet and discuss Freemasonry with those who are interested in the subject, or men who wish to be considered as future members of the Lodge.

The Third Monday meeting in April will, because of the Easter weekend, take place on the Fourth Friday – the 22 April 2022 – and will be in a restaurant near Schnoor, beginning at 18:00 (subject to and under the present health regulations and restrictions), and anyone with such an interest is welcome to join us.

Further information and directions to our meeting place may be had by sending a mail to the Secretary of the Lodge, using the Contact Form on this web site.

Open Invitation – Third Monday in March

Each month members of the Lodge meet informally in Bremen for conversation and a meal, and to meet and discuss Freemasonry with those who are interested in the subject, or men who wish to be considered as future members of the Lodge.

The Third Monday meeting this month will be in Schnoor on Monday, 21 March 2022, beginning at 19:00 (subject to and under the present health regulations and restrictions), and anyone with such an interest is welcome to join us.

Further information and directions to our meeting place may be had by sending a mail to the Secretary of the Lodge, using the Contact Form on this web site.

Third Monday in October

Members of the Lodge and their guests are cordially invited to attend the Third Monday in October informal get-together, to be held on Monday, 19 October 2020, in the Kaiser Friedrich in Schnoor.

Due to the continuing health restrictions, it is regretted that only invited guests may attend, and all members are reminded of the need to register their attendance in good time with the Secretary.

Third Monday in April

Due to the continuing restrictions caused by the COVID-19 crisis, there will be no Third Monday meeting in April.

Third Monday in March

The Master, Officers and Brethren are cordially invited to attend the monthly Third Monday, informal meeting, at Kaiser Friedrich in Schnoor on Monday, 16 March 2020, beginning at 19:00 hrs.

It would also be our pleasure to greet and talk to any non-Masons who wish a quiet, enjoyable evening in good company.

To ensure that a table of the right size is ordered, please confirm attendance to the Secretary either direct, or through the Contact form, in good time.

Amity Code: 4CQS6L

Third Monday in December

The Master, Officers and Brethren are cordially invited to attend the monthly Third Monday, informal meeting, at Kaiser Friedrich in Schnoor on Monday, 16 December 2019, beginning at 19:00 hrs.

It would also be our pleasure to greet and talk to any non-Masons who wish a quiet, enjoyable evening in good company.

To ensure that a table of the right size is ordered, please confirm attendance to the Secretary either direct, or through the Contact form, in good time.

Amity Code: EF9PVW

Third Monday in November

The Master, Officers and Brethren are cordially invited to attend the monthly Third Monday, informal meeting, at Kaiser Friedrich in Schnoor on Monday, 18 November 2019, beginning at 19:00 hrs.

It would also be our pleasure to greet and talk to any non-Masons who wish a quiet, enjoyable evening in good company.

To ensure that a table of the right size is ordered, please confirm attendance to the Secretary either direct, or through the Contact form, in good time.

Amity Code: YUMX5L

Third Monday in October

The Master, Officers and Brethren are cordially invited to attend the monthly Third Monday, informal meeting, at Kaiser Friedrich in Schnoor on Monday, 21 October 2019, beginning at 19:00 hrs.

It would also be our pleasure to greet and talk to any non-Masons who wish a quiet, enjoyable evening in good company.

To ensure that a table of the right size is ordered, please confirm attendance to the Secretary either direct, or through the Contact form, in good time.

Third Monday in September

With regret the Third Monday meeting for September has had to be canceled, as members of the Lodge are going about their duties in Newcastle (UK), in Paris, in Spain and elsewhere!

The next Third Monday will be in October.