Author: Adam

Summons – Degree Work – Saturday, 1 March 2025

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Ole Schwettmann, is pleased to Summon all Master Masons of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829, and Invite all Master Mason Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Degree Work on the Master Mason Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 1 March 2025, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

To Receive the Proficiency of a worthy Fellow Craft,

To Raise a candidate to the sublime Degree of Master Mason, subject to Proficiency,

To Receive the Master Mason Proficiency of a worthy Master Mason,

To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An informal meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required for visiting Brethren through the Secretary.

Third Monday Guest Evening – February 2025

Members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge are pleased to invite guests, those interested in Freemasonry in general and this Lodge in  particular, to join them at the traditional Third Monday Guest Evening, to be held on Monday, 17 February 2025 in the Havanna Lounge, Bremen.

Further information may be obtained directly through the Secretary, or by using the contact form on this site.

Stated Communication – Saturday, 1 February 2025

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Ole Schwettmann, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829, and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Stated Communication on the Entered Apprentice Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 1 February 2025, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An informal meal after the Stated Communication is planned, for which prior registration from visiting brethren is required either through the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Third Monday Informal Meeting in January 2025

The Officers and Brethren of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge cordially invite interested (and interesting!) men to attend the first Third Monday informal meeting of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge in the Havanna Lounge, Bremen, on Monday, 20 January 2025, beginning at 18:00.

On offer is a continuation of good conversation and discussion on a wide variety of topics; the chance to learn more about Freemasonry from Freemasons; an a la Carte meal and excellent atmosphere.

RSVP to the Secretary for further information, and planning purposes.

Summons – Degree Work – 4 January 2025

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Ole Schwettmann, is pleased to Summon all Fellow Craft and Master Masons of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829, and Invite all Fellow Craft and Master Mason Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Degree Work on the Fellow Craft Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 4 January 2025, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

To Pass a worthy Candidate into the Fellow Craft Degree,

To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An informal meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required for visiting Brethren through the Secretary.

Stated Communication – Saturday, 7 December 2024

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Ole Schwettmann, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829, and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Joint Stated Communication on the Entered Apprentice Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 7 December 2024, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An informal meal after the Stated Communication is planned, for which prior registration from visiting brethren is required either through the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Lodge of Sorrows – Saturday, 2 November 2024

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Ole Schwettmann, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 to attend a Lodge of Sorrows, to commemorate those who have gone before us.

The Lodge of Sorrows will be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 2 November 2023, at 16:00 hrs.

Visitors from Lodges within duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, are welcome to join the ceremony by special application only, to be made through the Brother Secretary.

An informal meal after the Lodge of Sorrows is planned, for which prior registration is required for visiting brethren.


Summons – Degree Work – 5 October 2024

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Ole Schwettmann, is pleased to Summon all Master Masons of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829, and Invite all Master Mason Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Degree Work on the Master Mason Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 5 October 2024, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

To Raise worthy Candidates into the Master Mason Degree,

To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An informal meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required for visiting Brethren through the Secretary.


Summons – Annual Communication 2024

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Ole Schwettmann, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend the Annual Communication and Installation of Officers at a Stated Communication on the Entered Apprentice Degree, scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 7 September 2024, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

To conclude old business
To receive the Annual Reports
To Install and Obligate the Master-Elect
To Install and Obligate all Officers-Elect
To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

The Annual Communication is an Open Installation, whereby non-Masons – family and friends – are cordially invited to attend for the Installation and Obligation ceremonies. Separate details on timing will be sent to all non-Masons who are registered with the Bro. Secretary.

An informal evening meal will be held after the Stated Communication in Restaurant Dunia. Prior registration for the dinner is required in advance for all guests, through the Bro. Secretary. Members of the Lodge who do not wish to attend the meal are to excuse themselves through the Bro. Secretary, or will be marked as attending.

Summons: Degree Work, Saturday, 1 June 2024

The Worshipful Master, W Bro. Ole Schwettmann, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829, and of Benjamin Franklin Lodge #1055, and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Joint Degree Work on the Entered Apprentice Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 1 June 2024, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

To Initiate a Worthy Candidate into Freemasonry,

To consider a change to the Lodge Bylaws – Second Reading,

To elect officials for the Masonic year 2025,

To conduct any further business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An informal meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required for visiting brethren.