
Third Monday in December

The Master, Officers and Brethren are cordially invited to attend the monthly Third Monday, informal meeting, at Kaiser Friedrich in Schnoor on Monday, 16 December 2019, beginning at 19:00 hrs.

It would also be our pleasure to greet and talk to any non-Masons who wish a quiet, enjoyable evening in good company.

To ensure that a table of the right size is ordered, please confirm attendance to the Secretary either direct, or through the Contact form, in good time.

Amity Code: EF9PVW

Degree Work – 7 December 2019

The Worshipful Master, VWBro. Jonny Henke, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Degree Work on the Entered Apprentice Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 7 December 2019, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Amity Code: VMNQ73

Third Monday in November

The Master, Officers and Brethren are cordially invited to attend the monthly Third Monday, informal meeting, at Kaiser Friedrich in Schnoor on Monday, 18 November 2019, beginning at 19:00 hrs.

It would also be our pleasure to greet and talk to any non-Masons who wish a quiet, enjoyable evening in good company.

To ensure that a table of the right size is ordered, please confirm attendance to the Secretary either direct, or through the Contact form, in good time.

Amity Code: YUMX5L

Stated Communication – 2 November 2019

The Worshipful Master, VWBro. Jonny Henke, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Stated Communication on the Entered Apprentice Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 2 November 2019, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To conduct a Ballot on a worthy Candidate
  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Degree Work – Saturday, 26 October 2019

The Worshipful Master, VWBro. Jonny Henke, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Degree Work on the Master Mason Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 26 October 2019, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To conduct a Proficiency of a Fellow Craft for the Master Mason Degree
  • To Pass a worthy Candidate to the sublime Degree of Master Mason subject to Proficiency
  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Third Monday in October

The Master, Officers and Brethren are cordially invited to attend the monthly Third Monday, informal meeting, at Kaiser Friedrich in Schnoor on Monday, 21 October 2019, beginning at 19:00 hrs.

It would also be our pleasure to greet and talk to any non-Masons who wish a quiet, enjoyable evening in good company.

To ensure that a table of the right size is ordered, please confirm attendance to the Secretary either direct, or through the Contact form, in good time.

Lodge of Instruction – 12 October 2019

The Worshipful Master, VWBro. Jonny Henke, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 to attend a Lodge of Instruction on all the Degrees of Masonry scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on October 12, 2019, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Instruction is:

  • To prepare Officers and Brethren for the Master Mason Degree
  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Third Monday in September

With regret the Third Monday meeting for September has had to be canceled, as members of the Lodge are going about their duties in Newcastle (UK), in Paris, in Spain and elsewhere!

The next Third Monday will be in October.

Annual Communication and Installation

The Worshipful Master, VWBro. Jonny Henke, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend the Annual Communication and Installation Work on the Fellow Craft Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on September 7, 2019, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To receive the Worshipful Master’s Annual Report
  • To receive the Treasurer’s Annual Report
  • To receive the Secretary’s Annual Report
  • To Obligate and Install the Master and Officers for 2019 / 2020 in Open Installation
  • To read a Petition for Initiation and designate a Committee of Investigation
  • To conduct any other business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

The Master-Elect has designated the Work as an Open Installation, allowing non-Masons to attend the Obligation and Installation ceremony. The public section of the ceremony is scheduled to begin at 17:00 hrs, and visitors are requested to await an invitation to enter the Lodge rooms in the ground floor area. Visitors are also cordially invited to join the Lodge for an evening meal after the ceremony has been completed, for which prior registration is required either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Third Monday in August

The Master, Officers and Brethren are cordially invited to attend the monthly Third Monday, informal meeting at Kaiser Friedrich in Schnoor on Monday, 19 August 2019, beginning at 19:00 hrs.

It would also be out pleasure to greet and talk to any non-Masons who wish a quiet, enjoyable evening in good company.

To ensure that a table of the right size is ordered, please confirm attendance to the Secretary either direct, or through the Contact form, in good time.