
Summer Vacation

With the end of the Masonic Year, the Lodge is now retiring into the official summer vacation. Information on informal meetings during this period are sent out to all Members of the Lodge privately, and may be acquired by visiting Brethren through application to the Secretary, or through the Contact page here. This applies to the monthly First Saturday work day and Third Monday.

We wish all Brethren, no matter where they may find themselves, a safe and enjoyable vacation, and look forward to coming together with you when Work continues, and subject to the restrictions which will then be in place.

Third Monday in June

The Worshipful Master has pleasure in inviting all members of North Sea Armed Forces, their wives, girlfriends and personal guests, to attend the Third Monday Meeting on Monday, 15 June 2020, at the Havanna Lounge in Bremen, to begin at 19:00.

In line with continued restrictions and the Track and Trace programme in Germany, registration is required in advance, which is to be made through the Secretary. Regrettably other guests cannot be admitted at this time.

Stated Communication – Cancellation

Due to the continuing COVID-19 restrictions in place in Bremen, the Stated Communication which would normally been scheduled to take place on 2 May 2020, has been postponed.

A notice concerning the Third Monday on 18 May 2020, and the Election Meeting planned for Saturday, 6 June 2020, will be issued in good time.

Third Monday in April

Due to the continuing restrictions caused by the COVID-19 crisis, there will be no Third Monday meeting in April.

Cancellation – Stated Communication in April

After careful consideration and consultation it has been agreed that the Stated Communication planned for North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 for Saturday, 4 April 2020, is cancelled.

It is expected that the restrictions presently in place within Bremen and the surrounding area will be increased over the coming days but, regardless of when such restrictions are promulgated, the health and welfare of our brethren, their friends and family, comes first.

At present there is no firm decision on the Third Monday in April, which will be scheduled but might be cancelled also, depending on our situation closer to the time.

All brethren are requested to remain in touch with one another, to remember our Principles and, if within the length of their cable tow, to help and assist those others around them in their time of need.

Stated Communication – Saturday, 4 April 2020

The Worshipful Master, VWBro. Jonny Henke, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Stated Communication on the Entered Apprentice Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 4 April 2020, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Amity Code: 2QTSCH

Third Monday in March

The Master, Officers and Brethren are cordially invited to attend the monthly Third Monday, informal meeting, at Kaiser Friedrich in Schnoor on Monday, 16 March 2020, beginning at 19:00 hrs.

It would also be our pleasure to greet and talk to any non-Masons who wish a quiet, enjoyable evening in good company.

To ensure that a table of the right size is ordered, please confirm attendance to the Secretary either direct, or through the Contact form, in good time.

Amity Code: 4CQS6L

Stated Communication – Saturday, 7 March 2020

The Worshipful Master, VWBro. Jonny Henke, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Stated Communication on the Entered Apprentice Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 7 March 2020, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Amity Code: 2ZBY3P

Stated Communication – 1 February 2020

The Worshipful Master, VWBro. Jonny Henke, is pleased to Summon all members of North Sea Armed Forces Lodge #829 and Invite all Brethren from duly Recognized and Constituted Lodges under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) or regular and accredited Lodges under the jurisdiction of other Grand Lodges, to attend a Stated Communication on the Entered Apprentice Degree scheduled to be convened at the Concordenhaus, located at Hinter der Holzpforte 2, Bremen, on Saturday, 1 February 2020, at 16:00 hrs. The purpose of this Communication is:

  • To conduct Masonic Education
  • To conduct any business which may be presented in due form to the Lodge.

An evening meal after the Degree Work is planned, for which prior registration is required either through the Bro. Junior Warden, the Bro. Secretary, or the Contact Form on this site.

Amity Code: ZCB3PF

Third Monday in January

The Master, Officers and Brethren are cordially invited to attend the monthly Third Monday, informal meeting, at Kaiser Friedrich in Schnoor on Monday, 20 January 2020, beginning at 19:00 hrs.

It would also be our pleasure to greet and talk to any non-Masons who wish a quiet, enjoyable evening in good company.

To ensure that a table of the right size is ordered, please confirm attendance to the Secretary either direct, or through the Contact form, in good time.

Amity Code: RWGLN5